The proven swimming action and unbelievable anti-snag capabilities of the StumpJumper are combined with an exclusive patented snap-lock bib that lets you instantly alter the lures action and characteristics by changing to different shaped bibs. With a choice of hot colours and flashing metalised finishes and subtle patterns, you can change the colours of the bibs to get the attention of the fish. Mix and match lure bibs and bodies in a system that makes StumpJumper the most innovative and effective lures available today.
Stumpjumper size 2.5 Flipper
Style: Minnow hard-body lure
Size: 68mm
Depth: Popper Bib Surface – Action: Popping
Depth: B Bib Floating/Diving – Depth: 2.5mts/7ft – Action: Shallow running
Depth: A Bib Floating/Diving – Depth: 5mts/15ft – Action: Wide swaying