- Common name:
- Harts Tongue Fern, Wavy Margin Birds Nest Fern
- Category:
- Ferns, Indoor Plants, Groundcovers
- Family:
- Polypodiaceae or Fern family
- Light:
- Semi shade, Shade growing
- Water:
- Normal, Can tolerate more
- Primarily grown for:
- Foliage
- Flowering season:
- Non Flowering
- Foliage color:
- Green
- Special Character:
- Rare Plant or difficult to get plant
- Good for Edges ie very small hedge or border
- Hanging or weeping growth habit
- Grows best in humid and warm regions
Plant Description:
- - A very pretty fern - very similar to the birds nest fern.
- Hardy fern with stout rhizome and long straight or curved strap shaped leathery fronds 15 45 cm long, pale yellow green to bright green, quilted and undulate at margins, spore masses in thick strips at right angles to the bold midrib, running into a short black stalk.
- Plants form a nice rosette of leaves. -
Growing tips:
- - Can be grown very similar to the birds nest fern.
- It is slightly more delicate and requires constant moisture. Provide it and you will have a good specimen growing.